Protesters and police

Safety Under Threat

People take to the streets to demonstrate for their political interests. Not all protests proceed peacefully, however, and conflicts occur between demonstrators and police.

The police bear the responsibility for security in the state. However, they are not always able to avert dangers, for security is fragile and has been challenged in a number of ways in North Rhine-Westphalia.

At the front of the room, you will find examples of one of the most violent threats to our safety and freedom: terrorist attacks committed by people with radical ideological stances. As in all of Germany, terrorism in North Rhine-Westphalia comes from many directions: the left-wing extremist “Red Army Faction”, RAF for short; the right-wing extremist “National Socialist Underground”, known as NSU; and Islamist terrorists. All have perpetrated brutal attacks to damage the state and achieve their radical goals.

So-called organised crime groups are also known for their propensity to violence. Biker clubs, the Mafia and criminal members of Arab clans conduct their illegal business in North Rhine-Westphalia. You will encounter “Hell’s Angels” and “Bandidos” jackets in the middle section of the room.

Tragic accidents and disasters can cut short people’s lives in an instant, they devastate and worry many. They remain as scars in the memory of the state, such as the 2010 Love Parade in Duisburg, on which you will find out more at the back of the room.