Serpil Dincel

Serpil Dincel

We’ve had German citizenship since 2001. 20 years now. We received it for the whole family, as a complete package; our children were still very young. We decided to do it because our children had been born here. We didn’t want to go back, either. We made our home here. 18 years ago we bought the house, which I think reinforces it as our home, so to speak. Although we still like to holiday in Turkey, but I think everyone does. But now, we’re here! We have the house. We brought the kids into the world here, raised them here. Our daughter is already working, our son is still studying at university. I don’t think they will ever go back. My husband and I might say, maybe when we’re old enough to retire, if we ever get that far, we’ll settle down there somewhere, not in Istanbul – my husband is originally from Istanbul – and not in Adana either, some little town on the beach or something. We might still do that, if our health allows it.